Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

“Twelve years ago, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and the neurologist who diagnosed this suggested I begin taking cortisone. Well, being the careful person that I am, I began to do research about this drug. Upon finding information that indicated severe side effects and possible long-term damage to some major organs, I declined. So, 3 years later, i came upon alternative healing i.e. herbs, vitamins etc. Even with this, I still had the major battle of locating a natural product to assist with my autoimmune disease.

I came across an article on colostrum and decided, after much research, to try it. That was about 3 years ago and, thanks to colostrum, my immune system is stronger than it ever was, even before my diagnosis of MS. I have also recommended colostrum to a couple of friends who also have MS, and their stories are just as mine - success!! it has also help my skin condition - eczema.”

J. Russell

Green Bay, WI USA

Solusi Buat Anda!!

Alpha lipid Terbukti efektif mengatasi berbagai gangguan pada organ reproduksi wanita. Perlu diketahui bahwa Wanita sekarang mempunyai banyak keluhan sewaktu Menstruasi, Keputihan wanita, Kekuningan, Bau yang tidak sedap,Selalu gerah dan gatal, Mengalami inveksi vagina yang disebabkan karena bakteri, Infeksi kandung kemih karena bakteri dan penyakit ganas yang dpt mengancam jiwanya seperti : Kanker Rahim, Kanker Payudara, Kanker Ovarium, Endometriosis, Kista dan Myom.

Untuk pembelian alpha lipid silahkan email :

Alpha Lipid Juga Baik untuk : Asma, Arthritis, Allergy, Buasir, Bisul, Buah Pinggang, Denggi, Ezema, Fybroid, Gout, Gastrik, Haid, Hepatitis B/C, Jerawat, Jangkitan Kuman, Kayap, Kanker, Kencing Manis, Keletihan, Leukimia, Masalah paru-paru, Masalah Usus, Migrain, Stroke/Lumpuh, Sakit Sendi, SLE/Lupus, Sakit Kulit, Thyroid, Demam Campak, Jantung, TBC, Parkinson, Ulser, Lemah Syahwat, Awet muda dan Kekurangan oksigen dalam darah.


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