Senin, 19 Juli 2010

IBS, CFS, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis

IBS, CFS, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis

“In 1985 I was diagnosed with significant levels of weed and herbicide poisons in my body after contracting chronic Candida and ME. I had the most awful pain in most of my joints, severe headaches and was unable to tolerate stress. In 1991 I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and later Fibromyalgia. I suffered with chronic pain and discomfort daily and never felt able to cope with the day that lay ahead.

From 1991 to 1996 I suffered with the IBS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and rheumatoid arthritis. My outlook and disposition towards life was not good and I felt that life was just too hard. I took many supplements throughout this period, but I never felt well. I never had any energy.

I started taking colostrum in December 2001 and within two weeks I had a faint glimpse of change but was too scared to hope it was for real. As the weeks went on, it became easier and easier for me to get up in the morning and start the day.

In February 2002 I changed from colostrum capsules to powder and took a larger dose than before. By the end of March I not only felt better but could now do ordinary things like peel veges and write without pain. No more headaches and very few muscle pains. I had energy and felt like living again.

Everything has changed for the better and I believe with all the positive changes that I have experienced I will now become completely well once more. I have to say that colostrum is the very best thing that has ever happened to me.

My experience is that colostrum has helped with my IBS, CFS, rheumatoid arthritis and all the other difficulties I have been experiencing over the years. I have such an improved sense of wellness. It is almost difficult for me or anyone else to believe all these positive changes have taken place since I have been taking colostrum.

I can say this with confidence - colostrum has done wonders for me. I have personally experienced the changes in my own body. Compared with a year ago I am now transforming from being in extreme pain and sickness to good health. I have recommended it to so many people as colostrum is the only solution that has worked for me. Nothing else has had this healing effect on me and I have tried them all.”

Barbara Cook

Wellington, New Zealand

Solusi Buat Anda!!

Alpha lipid Terbukti efektif mengatasi berbagai gangguan pada organ reproduksi wanita. Perlu diketahui bahwa Wanita sekarang mempunyai banyak keluhan sewaktu Menstruasi, Keputihan wanita, Kekuningan, Bau yang tidak sedap,Selalu gerah dan gatal, Mengalami inveksi vagina yang disebabkan karena bakteri, Infeksi kandung kemih karena bakteri dan penyakit ganas yang dpt mengancam jiwanya seperti : Kanker Rahim, Kanker Payudara, Kanker Ovarium, Endometriosis, Kista dan Myom.

Untuk pembelian alpha lipid silahkan email :

Alpha Lipid Juga Baik untuk : Asma, Arthritis, Allergy, Buasir, Bisul, Buah Pinggang, Denggi, Ezema, Fybroid, Gout, Gastrik, Haid, Hepatitis B/C, Jerawat, Jangkitan Kuman, Kayap, Kanker, Kencing Manis, Keletihan, Leukimia, Masalah paru-paru, Masalah Usus, Migrain, Stroke/Lumpuh, Sakit Sendi, SLE/Lupus, Sakit Kulit, Thyroid, Demam Campak, Jantung, TBC, Parkinson, Ulser, Lemah Syahwat, Awet muda dan Kekurangan oksigen dalam darah.


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