Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever

“I was diagnosed with dengue fever on August 10, 2001 and my platelet count upon hospitalisation was 86 and dropped to 70 the next morning. I decided to take 1000mg of colostrum 3 times daily. By the morning of the 3rd day the platelet count had risen to 88 and my fever had subsided. The next morning my platelet count showed 124 and I was discharged from the hospital in the afternoon. Upon reaching home I went through the notes on colostrum and found 3 words platelets derived factor? From that day I took 6 colostrum vege capsules 3 times a day and about 4 - 5 litres of drinking water. Three weeks later my platelet count was 228 and I was officially cleared on 28 August 2001.

Currently, besides other health supplements, I take 4 colostrum capsules twice a day and at night I take 10 colostrum tablets together with a glass of milk (instead of drinking coffee).”

Loh Mun Hong


Solusi Buat Anda!!

Alpha lipid Terbukti efektif mengatasi berbagai gangguan pada organ reproduksi wanita. Perlu diketahui bahwa Wanita sekarang mempunyai banyak keluhan sewaktu Menstruasi, Keputihan wanita, Kekuningan, Bau yang tidak sedap,Selalu gerah dan gatal, Mengalami inveksi vagina yang disebabkan karena bakteri, Infeksi kandung kemih karena bakteri dan penyakit ganas yang dpt mengancam jiwanya seperti : Kanker Rahim, Kanker Payudara, Kanker Ovarium, Endometriosis, Kista dan Myom.

Untuk pembelian alpha lipid silahkan email :

Alpha Lipid Juga Baik untuk : Asma, Arthritis, Allergy, Buasir, Bisul, Buah Pinggang, Denggi, Ezema, Fybroid, Gout, Gastrik, Haid, Hepatitis B/C, Jerawat, Jangkitan Kuman, Kayap, Kanker, Kencing Manis, Keletihan, Leukimia, Masalah paru-paru, Masalah Usus, Migrain, Stroke/Lumpuh, Sakit Sendi, SLE/Lupus, Sakit Kulit, Thyroid, Demam Campak, Jantung, TBC, Parkinson, Ulser, Lemah Syahwat, Awet muda dan Kekurangan oksigen dalam darah.


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